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Apologies for not updating my website more regularly!

It’s never been something I’ve been completely on top of. I get busy working with people and forget that I even have a website, which is probably fine for the people I’m already working with but not for those who are only just finding me. I could say I will change my ways and dedicate…

Oh No!

I can usually continue working through most things, especially now that I see so many of my clients online. Losing my voice completely, however, is not one of them… I woke up on Sunday morning barely able to make a sound and by Monday morning my voice was gone completely. It’s like someone stole my…

Big Cacao Weekend coming up!

Next weekend I’m at the Wedoyoga Summer Festival all day on Saturday 13th August with a Cacao opening ceremony then talking Cacao and Therapy, then it’s my monthly Cacao ceremony on Sunday 14th! This feels exciting for a number of reasons. Firstly, on Sunday we will have our ceremony at my very dear friend Claire’s…

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